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  • Writer's pictureHeather Makowicz

Who Loves You? Bleeding Hearts!

"I have loved you with an everlasting love. With unfailing love, I have drawn you to myself." Jeremiah 31:3

When was the last time you invited God to share with you how He delights in you or what He appreciates about you? Days can fly by with so many tasks and obligations, and before you know it, the end of the day arrives, and then...time for bed!

I am certainly guilty of rushing through the day, realizing that I had my own agenda of what I felt I needed to accomplish. Then, believing that once I "finish", I will feel peaceful and relieved that I did what I sought to do. What I have noticed over the years is that this belief of "finishing" the goals I gave myself for the day would often never reach the finish line. There was always more, THEN I could rest!

The truth is, this can come from a belief that I am not valued unless I am DOING. This is not how God wants us the live our lives! When we sit with Him in silence, invite Him to share how He would like to answer these questions, How does He delight in me? What does He appreciate about me? We slowly realize we are defined out of the truth of who we ARE rather than what we DO.

God said that He LOVES us with this everlasting love...and just BECAUSE He wants to share life with us. Will you discover the heart God has for you too?

Enjoy the spring and the ways the Lord speaks to you through the beauty of nature!

God bless,


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